Each paper should have a cover page which includes title of the paper, abstract (not more than 200 words along with 3-4 keywords), author names and affiliations with full postal address, email and mobile number. On the cover page the conference track should be mentioned. An Extended abstract of around 1500-2000 words in standard structure of research paper is expected. The Extended abstract should include Abstract, Introduction, followed by Literature Review, Research gaps, Objectives, Hypothesis (If any),Methodology, Expected contribution to the literature.
The Extended abstract should be submitted in MS Word/Pdf format, font size for the paper should be Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing. All papers should follow the APA 6th Edition style. List the references in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. All references must be single spaced and must be distinguished by hanging indents. The similarity index of the paper should not exceed 15%.
The paper should be submitted on the Microsoft CMT. Kindly click on the following link for submitting your research paper- https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICSBPIM2023/Submission/Index